
John Arcello

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John Arcello

Some people go through life never realizing their passion—John Arcello is not one of those people. He found his love of construction in high school working as a carpenter. Evolving from a rough carpenter to Advanced Technology Core Market co-leader, John has worked on 40-plus data center projects, totaling more than $3 billion, for such customers as eBay, Equinix, Digital Realty, Facebook and Infomart.

Since joining DPR in 2004, John has taken on a wide range of roles and responsibilities from account management, strategic planning and project evaluation to scheduling, cost controls and subcontractor management. His depth and breadth of experience have helped him enhance overall project delivery and provide consistent, predictable results for customers. Having a true passion for his work, John will be focused on helping to train the next generation of mission critical talent.


  • Role: Advanced Technology Core Market Co-Leader
  • Favorite DPR Core Value: Uniqueness
  • What You Love About Construction: Making it happen! We get to work with and for our customers to build projects and professional relationships in a way that's never been done before. Every project is unique in its own way.
  • First Job: Cleaning stalls at a horse barn back in Michigan
  • Best Vacation Spot: On skis or a snowboard in the mountains or on Lake Lure, North Carolina
  • Word to the Wise (Advice): Always be respectful and listen. Be thankful for what you have, and then go get more.

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