Be a Pillar

Be a Pillar: Diverse Businesses Empowered

DPR is a community of builders, designers, engineers, suppliers, and more. Together, we construct things like schools, offices, hospitals, data centers, and research facilities. These places connect people in a community and advance the wellbeing of communities where we all live and work. But it’s not just large companies doing the work. Small minority-, women- and veteran-owned businesses are integral to building great things across every region and market, and they represent a direct connection to our communities.

Be a Pillar collage of featured trade partners.

DPR’s commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goes beyond employees; it extends to our family of suppliers, trade partners and vendors. Hear from some of our certified diverse trade partners (MWVBE) and learn about their journeys.

In Their Words

What is it like to work with a large contractor?

Bianca Vobecky

“It means the world to me as a small business to have the support of a larger organization who supports my growth. In the past 16 years, I have had some great business mentors and developed lifelong friendships and business partners, which is the basis for future collaboration. It was a great investment for my business and my personal development. I was able to avoid common industry pitfalls, excel over my competition and develop important connections. Working with larger firms provides consistency and resources to successfully run my business and it taught me how to pay it forward by mentoring other smaller firms.”

Bianca Vobecky | Founder, President and CEO, Vobecky Enterprises, Inc.

Gene Hale

“Having large prime contractors working with G&C affords the company the opportunity to economically stimulate the local community by hiring local workers and providing scholarships to students from underserved communities. It also provides an opportunity to hire service-disabled veterans and mentoring opportunities for local businesses.”

Gene Hale | Founder and CEO, G&C Equipment

Junior Burr

“The partnerships shared with Canterbury throughout our project opportunities has been unparalleled. Our relationship with an existing client has been fostered, the knowledge gained and lessons learned will be long lasting, and the internal growth this allowed our team will propel our company forward in all our next ventures. It has given some of my team members the opportunity to catapult their career forward. These experiences will continue growing Canterbury with great hopes of striving toward being a major competitor in the construction industry.”

Junior Burr | President, Canterbury Enterprises

Through our Partner Pillar, which is part of DPR’s Global Social Responsibility effort, DPR's supplier diversity team works hard to build relationships with certified diverse business partners across the world.

How can you

Support Small and Diverse Businesses?

Learn more about how to prequalify a business as a DPR subcontractor.

Learn more or get involved with organizations working to certify and advocate for diverse businesses.

Photos by Paul Turang and Tina R Thomas
Be a Pillar of Global Social Responsibility

The Be a Pillar series is dedicated to sharing the perspectives of DPR employees who are helping to inspire, educate and lead us on a journey.