
DPR’s 2023 Global Social Responsibility Report: Building a Better Tomorrow

In its inaugural 2023 GSR Annual Report, DPR highlights the strategic investments and efforts it’s making on year-over-year progress toward those commitments.

This article is included in the Great Things: Issue 11 edition of the DPR Newsletter.

A worker stands in the middle of a construction site
Carrying out GSR goals requires skilled coordination, collaboration and an unwavering commitment, particularly for those at the front lines of the built environment. DPR focuses its GSR commitments through four pillars: People, Partners, Planet and Philanthropy. Photo: Danny Sandler
Global Social Responsibility: The Journey

Global Social Responsibility (GSR) is a simple concept. It means taking responsibility for the collective wellbeing of people and planet, knowing that everyone plays a part in making the world healthier and safer. GSR is also complex. Carrying out these responsibilities requires skilled coordination, collaboration and an unwavering commitment, particularly for those at the front lines of the built environment.

DPR focuses its GSR commitments through four pillars: People, Partners, Planet and Philanthropy. In its inaugural 2023 GSR Annual Report, DPR highlights the strategic investments and efforts it’s making on year-over-year progress toward those commitments.

“We’re on a journey,” said George Pfeffer, DPR’s CEO. “Setting goals, measuring progress and being transparent are key to upholding our commitments. This report is one way of communicating where we’re today, the foundation we’ve built, and the steps we’re taking to build a better tomorrow.”

A group of people wearing PPE look out from a building balcony
Expanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Construction

A diverse workforce has proven to encourage innovation and creativity and improves decision-making through unique perspectives and viewpoints. DPR’s approach to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is about nurturing a sense of belonging.

In 2023, DPR initiated eight Employee Resource Groups to cultivate a culture of inclusion that supports diversity of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences. The company also significantly expanded recruiting efforts and conference sponsorships with the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and Women in Construction Conference (WIC).

With more than 11,000 employees, DPR has increased the percentage of women and people of color year over year with significant increases in leadership. Today, 20% of DPR’s leadership are women and 17% are people of color.

Read more highlights about DPR's People Pillar.

A group of workers have a lively discussion during a meeting.
Creating a More Diverse Supply Chain

Opportunities for diverse businesses help build industry and communities. In 2023, DPR set the foundation for a supply chain that exemplifies inclusive engagement, collaboration and commerce. This includes prequalifying 180 new diverse businesses and issuing more than 1,600 contracts with certified vendors. In collaboration with its customers, DPR is currently working on more than 80 capital projects with supplier diversity goals.

Looking ahead, the company is working with its supply chain experts to ensure diversity goals are incorporated into the procurement process for DPR’s family of companies and self-performed scopes. In 2024, DPR is planning a training and mentoring program to teach small/diverse businesses how to work with the company.

Read more highlights about DPR's Partners Pillar.

Aerial view of DPR's San Diego office with rooftop solar panels
A More Sustainable Built Environment and Business Model

On its way to creating a more sustainable work and built environment, DPR is addressing how it operates, builds, travels and influences the industry. It does so through an integrated comprehensive program—a roadmap for reducing carbon emissions across DPR’s value chain. This approach is data driven with progress tracked using real-time transparent data coupled with in-house, hands-on carbon sequestering initiatives such as:

  • Building a zero-waste culture
  • Prioritizing hybrid, electric and clean fuel for our equipment and fleet
  • Developing more DPR zero energy offices
  • Creating carbon accounting services to support the business, customers and partners with reaching carbon-reduction goals.

Read more highlights about DPR's Planet Pillar.

A group of girls wearing safety vests and hard hats pose outside a DPR construction jobsite trailer
Giving Back Through Philanthropic Community Initiatives

DPR’s philanthropic vision, ‘Building possibilities for the under-resourced’, works toward a set of social goals that advance in collaboration with our other pillars of GSR:

  • Facility Construction and Renovation: Every year, DPR volunteer teams build about $2 million in pro-bono renovations for nonprofit partners, providing increased capacity and flexibility, greater pride of place, and improved safety and access.
  • Career and Education Guidance for Youth: DPR engages with 10,000+ youth every year to show them what a career in construction can look like.
  • Operational Support for Nonprofit Partners: DPR’s business leaders work with nonprofit partners to operate more strategically and efficiently, increase operational capacity, and provide confidence.

Read more highlights about DPR's Philanthropy Pillar.

2023 Annual Report thumbnail

Want to learn more? Take a deeper dive into the full report.