
News Round-Up and Look Back

Many of us work in constantly changing industries, and construction is no exception. In these kinds of environments, it's important to keep up with industry news to catch up on the latest best practices, and also see what's on the horizon.

This news article from 2008, for example, is a glimpse into the earlier days of building information modeling (BIM) in the construction industry. This article from Forbes is from 2010. As the use of BIM has evolved, the industry recognized it as a method that skilled teams could use to lower costs while maintaining a high level of quality and accuracy, especially on projects with a higher level of complexity (such as healthcare facilities).

Fast forward to 2015...DPR continues to demonstrate that teams using BIM can benefit on complex projects, such as the Banner Boswell Medical Center Hybrid Operating Room. Throughout this project, the team used BIM to eliminate the need for significant rework in the field and also minimize shutdowns to the facility, delivering predictable results.

Speaking of 2015, a round-up of interesting news articles in the media from this year alone include the following:

Looking back on the years, DPR has been mentioned in more than 700 electronic news posts total, as captured in the News section of our website. This news reflects the continual improvement we strive for as a technical builder.

*This blog post is part of a series that celebrates DPR's silver anniversary and focuses on 25 great things from the company from over 25 years. Here's the last one. Follow #DPR25 on social media to learn more.