
Letter from Leadership: The Power of Connection

A Shared Vision

What is at the heart of every building? Is it a solid foundation, or a framework of concrete and steel? We believe it’s more than that. At the heart of every building, we see a shared vision—a connection.

Team dynamics have the power to make or break a construction project: When we’re part of a great team, we work collaboratively as an integrated unit, using a common language and moving towards a shared vision. That’s the power of connection.

Four teammates in full PPE gaze at a building on a construction site from an overview point with blue sky overhead.

A Culture of Connectedness

When we as an industry can establish a culture of connectedness, we are all better positioned to approach projects collaboratively and to communicate with each other freely and transparently. According to a study presented at the Construction Research Congress, cohesive teams with a shared vision report lower cost growth, more predictable scheduling and higher quality project outcomes that result in a better building turnover experience for the owner.

Connection, however, is about more than buildings and teams.

  • It fosters safety. When we trust one another and share leadership, we feel empowered to speak up and share the challenges and solutions that result in safer construction sites.
  • It supports better mental health. When we are part of a healthy team, we feel seen, heard and valued and experience better overall mental health and wellbeing.
  • It results in physical benefits. Studies show that when we feel a sense of belonging and connection, we have a 50% increased chance of longevity and experience stronger gene expression for immunity, all while having a significantly decreased risk for heart attack and stroke.

A Sense of Belonging

True connection is not easy, but it is necessary for every individual. Managing groups of diverse people from a wide range of disciplines requires us to commit deeply and to understand how to create, support and nurture a sense of belonging—both in the day-to-day and for the longer term.

How do we build true connection? It starts with every individual. When we reach out to our teammates to ask how they are doing or to see what they think about something, we are forging a culture of connection that can result in lasting change. When we support and check in with each other, or create time to take a walk together, or share a meal, we can build bonds that last a lifetime and make a difference to someone’s mental health and wellbeing. When we reach out, others take notice and the impact can be far greater than we know.

The stories in this newsletter are meant to inspire, inform, and show what good connection looks like—whether it’s the training and support that results in high-performing teams or the collaboration that produces great projects. We hope they remind you that connection—like constructing a building—requires intentional planning and action. Each step is an opportunity to learn that builds upon the others. Thank you for being part of the journey.

Ever Forward,

-DPR Leadership Team

DC Pride team photo

Through events built on connection like the Capital Pride Parade in Washington D.C., we underscore our support for employees to be their authentic selves, foster inclusivity and work to transform the construction industry.