
Teams Stretch, Bring Home the Gold

Janus Projects in Austin and Denver

Impressed with the way DPR was handling its construction needs in Austin, financial services company Janus Funds asked DPR to lend its talents to a struggling Denver project. Success with that project has led to ongoing work for Janus in the Denver area and the rest, as they say, is history.


It all began 2½ years ago when Janus asked DPR to fast track a project even Janus doubted could be completed on time. But in less than six weeks Janus had its 9,000-sq.-ft. data center at CarrAmerica’s Riata Corporate Park. This, despite the fact interior buildouts had to begin before the shell was complete and the normally dry Austin skies opened and drenched a roofless center. Trading jammies for jeans, the DPR team went to the site in the middle of the night and bailed water from the space, saving the equipment and the record-time completion. That success under its belt, DPR went on to other projects for Janus. In the last 30 months it has delivered five projects for a total of over 200,000 sq. ft. “When we started, keeping on schedule was Janus’ number one goal but since then we’ve delivered four projects with zero defects, including all of the 66,000-sq.-ft. office Building 6,” said Project Manager Tanya Thornton. “Now we have believers, and owners and architects expect us to deliver fast-track projects that are completed with zero defects.”


That same “go-get-‘em” attitude also prevailed in Denver where Project Manager Michael Konetzke and Estimator Matt Young guided a 140,000-sq.-ft., tenant improvement project for Janus. The DPR team accomplished its goal on the Janus/Havana project in seven weeks. Mechanical/electrical contractor Hadji & Associates and interior architect burkettdesign get high marks for working long days and through some nights to meet goals. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Konetzke, “Hadji turned around 46 sheets of drawings in six days.”

The 30-year-old building had undergone several renovations and everything was out of code, according to Jim Blackledge, Manager of Planning and Design for Janus. This created some strong challenges for the 38 DPR, 50 subcontractor and 10 finish contractor crew that began work on March 16. “We had two shifts going for 21 days straight,” said Konetzke. “We had a fully functioning data center in three weeks.” Janus moved its workers in on April 28.

“Everyone feels good about the project,” said Blackledge. “That’s why we keep working with DPR.”